Preparing For Your Surgery
After your doctor’s office has scheduled your procedure, you will be contacted by a registered nurse 1 to 2 working days prior to your scheduled surgery. The nurse will review your medical history, give you a time to arrive at Midwest Surgery Center, and answer any questions you may have regarding your surgery.
If a nurse has not reached you by 12 p.m. 1 working day prior to surgery, please contact Midwest Surgery Center at (651) 642-9199.
If you have questions regarding your insurance or registration forms, please feel free to call our pre-registration department at (651) 645-1106.
If you become ill prior to your scheduled procedure, please notify Midwest Surgery Center at (651) 642-9199.
Pre-Procedure Instructions
- You will be asked not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. Specific information will be given to you during the pre-operative interview.
- If you are taking medications for your heart, blood pressure, seizure disorders, reflux or asthma, they should be taken early on the morning of your procedure with a VERY SMALL sip of water. If you are using an inhaler, please bring it with you.
- If you are on insulin, please obtain specific instructions regarding your dosage for the day of the procedure from your prescribing physician and bring your insulin with you.
- Do not smoke, chew gum or tobacco, eat mints or candy the morning of your procedure.
- Please refrain from using perfume, cologne, and/or lotions the day of the procedure.
- You may brush your teeth and rinse.
- We recommend that you dress comfortably, in casual, loose fitting clothing and flat shoes.
- Please do not wear makeup or nail polish.
- Please remove all jewelry and piercings and leave your valuables at home. Bring cases for your glasses, contact lenses and hearing aids, if applicable.
- Please bring your insurance cards and a photo identification (i.e.: drivers license or government issued identification card).
- You will be required to have a responsible adult drive you home. All patients receiving sedation or anesthesia are required to have someone stay with them for the first 24 hours following your surgical procedure. You should not be alone. Activities on the day of your surgery should be kept to a minimum, please allow for rest periods once you have returned home.